Every year, our Talent Show gets even more amazing! We were presented with 20 acts of music, dance and instruments. We also had the launch
Every year, our Talent Show gets even more amazing! We were presented with 20 acts of music, dance and instruments. We also had the launch
Every year our students participate in the Pi Day Challenge, celebrated on March 14 (3/14). This year we have a new school record. Julie G.
Parents, students, and staff participated in interdisciplinary games to test their general knowledge and demonstrate their STEM skills.
Stay calm and have a great Mother’s Day! Some classes prepared special presentations and surprises for the moms. The school sent home a special gift
Grade 5 is the last year of the Primary Years Programme (PYP). It is a time to celebrate and grow. In order to commemorate this
The event showcases and celebrates our students’ artistic involvement. They presented what they have been working on in Music, Visual Arts, and Drama.
With their teams, students, parents, and faculty compete throughout the day in various games.
PTA organizes a fun night where students and teachers have the chance to show off their talents to a school wide audience.
During Spirit Days, students celebrate their school pride by dressing up in different costumes each day. Spirit Days are held during the days before our
With the staff and families, the PTA organizes a delicious event. This year 20 countries were featured presenting food and decorations. More than 800 guests
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Belo Horizonte | Minas Gerais | Brasil