De 24 a 26 de fevereiro, a EABH sediou a segunda conferência anual do MINAS MUN – Model United Nations. Recebemos mais de 60 participantes
De 24 a 26 de fevereiro, a EABH sediou a segunda conferência anual do MINAS MUN – Model United Nations. Recebemos mais de 60 participantes
Tivemos a honra de receber 70 convidados, incluindo alunos dos Colégios Santo Antônio, Santo Agostinho e Loyola. Durante a Cerimônia de Abertura, contamos com o
Durante a segunda semana de Maio, pais, alunos e professores participaram de diversas atividades para conferir as obras de arte visual, assistirem a shows incríveis
No dia 5 de maio, recebemos pais e amigos no Jantar Anual do Programa Futuro da EABH no Restaurante O Conde. Foi uma noite maravilhosa
Bold Moves for a New Era. During 65 years, a lot has changed in the world. And, together with EABH, you have witnessed many of
We are very grateful for our EABH Community and to have been able to complete the construction of Bloco 1. Check out the special video
It is Halloween Time: Boo On Friday, October 29 we celebrated Halloween at EABH with our students and staff. Our parents participated by donating candy
At EABH – we are all “teachers”, no matter what our title may say. At EABH we always say – It takes a village to
EABH was featured in the September special edition about Education of the Revista Encontro, check it out!
We are thrilled to have hosted a two-day IB professional development training for ALL of our learning staff. On September 3 and 4, EABH faculty
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Belo Horizonte | Minas Gerais | Brasil