Notícias & Mídia

EABH celebrates 65 years: Rebranding

Bold Moves for a New Era.

During 65 years, a lot has changed in the world. And, together with EABH, you have witnessed many of these transformations! From a nonprofit association founded by parents, with classes taught by correspondence courses in 1956, we were recognized by the International Baccalaureate in 2008 as an IB World School, a global standard in international education. Now, we feel it´s time to make an even bolder move forward.

It is with great joy that we present the new visual identity of the American School of Belo Horizonte! Through a more contemporary language, the new brand translates our commitment to the global vision, diversity, and community we create with the school’s parents, students, staff and surrounding neighborhoods. The Hawk, which is our symbol of strength, seriousness, and versatility, gained more than a renewed aesthetic. Its new features represent the new paths and opportunities: not only those we have taken, but also the others that we thrive to create! What do you think about the news? We hope you like it!


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