A EABH sediou um importante evento do MUN (Modelo das Nações Unidas), o MINAS MUN I
Tivemos a honra de receber 70 convidados, incluindo alunos dos Colégios Santo Antônio, Santo Agostinho e Loyola. Durante a Cerimônia de Abertura, contamos com o
Tivemos a honra de receber 70 convidados, incluindo alunos dos Colégios Santo Antônio, Santo Agostinho e Loyola. Durante a Cerimônia de Abertura, contamos com o
Durante a segunda semana de Maio, pais, alunos e professores participaram de diversas atividades para conferir as obras de arte visual, assistirem a shows incríveis
No dia 5 de maio, recebemos pais e amigos no Jantar Anual do Programa Futuro da EABH no Restaurante O Conde. Foi uma noite maravilhosa
Bold Moves for a New Era. During 65 years, a lot has changed in the world. And, together with EABH, you have witnessed many of
On September 15-17, seven students from EABH participated in São Paulo Model United Nations at the American School of Campinas. Elene S. had the honor
On Friday, September 14, EABH hosted its first Friday Night Games. It will be a total of four nights of friendly matches throughout the current
The end of the school year is always a bittersweet moment. It is when we all look forward to traveling and relaxing, but it is
Our Festa Junina is tomorrow! Festa Junina is a traditional celebration that normally takes place during the month of June. Portuguese and Spanish settlers who
‘-Grade 11 students, presented the play “Capitu?” based on the books “Dom Casmurro”, by Machado de Assis and “Amor de Capitu”, by Fernando Sabino. The
EABH held today the Science Fair and Project Showcase. Grades 6 – 10 presented a variety of science projects as well as work from other
Av. Prof. Mário Werneck, 3301 | Buritis | CEP: 30575-180
Belo Horizonte | Minas Gerais | Brasil