The American School of Belo Horizonte (EABH) is committed to transparency, privacy and security of personal user data during all phases of data handling and use. In order for you to better understand what data we handle, you can find details of our Privacy Policy below.


When accessing the website, we do not collect personal data from visitors, but we register access cookies, and cookies used by YouTube for videos available in our webpage. In the restricted area we record access information from those who log in.

We handle different categories of data depending on the type of the personal data, as follows:

Employee candidates:We process data from voluntarily provided applications and résumés as part of our hiring processes.

Student Candidates: We process student candidates and guardian’s data, necessary for the EABH admissions process.

Students: We process student data necessary for the provision of educational services, and as needed to ensure students’ physical and psychological safety, within what is determined by government agencies.

Parents and Guardians: We process parent and guardian personal data as necessary for the provision of contracted educational services and to provide information to governmental agencies.

Employees/Consultants: We process employee and consultant personal data as necessary for the execution of employment contracts and to provide information to government agencies.

Visitors:We process visitor data for campus access control to ensure the safety of our community..

For those who access our campus, we process necessary data to provide security such as access control data and images recorded by the CCTV system. These records respect the hardware limit of our servers.


We evaluate our personal data handling processes to identify potential privacy and data protection risks. We continually seek to mitigate these risks through training and the adoption of technical and organizational measures applied to our processes and information systems.


EABH shares some data with partner companies as needed to provide complementary services. EABH only shares data that is strictly necessary for companies to contact parents/guardians. EABH requires signed confidentiality agreements and General Data Protection Law statements of compliance with these companies. Examples of complementary services are: provision of school photography service, provision of school travel service, and provision of after-school activities.

EABH can share data internationally, if requested by data subjects, to provide personal and academic information to educational institutions where students are applying for.

We also share data with Federal Government and Federal District institutions to comply with legal requirements, such as: we send school census data to the Department of Education, Employee data to the Ministry of Labor and the Brazilian Internal Revenue Service.


Personal user data is stored for as long as we need to comply with ongoing legal obligations.


Article 18. The holder of personal data has the right to obtain from the controller, in relation to the data of the holder processed by him, at any time and upon request:

I – confirmation of the existence of treatment;
II – access to data;
III – correction of incomplete, inaccurate or outdated data;
IV – anonymization, blocking or elimination of unnecessary, excessive or treated data in violation of the provisions of this Law;
V – portability of data to another service or product provider, upon express request, in accordance with the regulation of the national authority, observing commercial and industrial secrets; (Wording provided by Law No. 13,853, of 2019) Effectiveness; (Redação dada pela Lei nº 13.853, de 2019) Vigência
VI – elimination of personal data processed with the consent of the holder, except in the cases provided for in art. 16 of this Law;
VII – information on public and private entities with which the controller made shared use of data;
VIII – information on the possibility of not providing consent and on the consequences of denial;
IX – revocation of consent, pursuant to § 5 of art. 8 of this Law.

§ 1 The holder of personal data has the right to petition in relation to their data against the controller before the national authority.
§ 2 The data subject may object to treatment carried out based on one of the hypotheses of waiver of consent, in the event of non-compliance with the provisions of this Law.
§ 3 The rights provided for in this article shall be exercised upon an express request from the holder or a legally constituted representative, to the processing agent.
§ 4 In case of impossibility of immediate adoption of the measure referred to in § 3 of this article, the controller will send the holder a response in which he/she may:

I – communicate that it is not a data processing agent and indicate, whenever possible, the agent; or
II – indicate the reasons in fact or in law that prevent the immediate adoption of the measure.

§ 5 The request referred to in § 3 of this article wil be answered at no cost to the holder, within the deadlines and under the terms provided for in the regulation.
§ 6 The person in charge must immediately inform the processing agents with whom he has shared use of data of the correction, elimination, anonymization or blocking of the data, so that they repeat the same procedure, except in cases where this communication is demonstrably impossible or involves disproportionate effort. (Wording provided by Law No. 13,853, of 2019) Effectiveness; (Redação dada pela Lei nº 13.853, de 2019)
§ 7 The portabiity of personal data referred to in item V of the caput of this article does not include data that have already been anonymized by the controller.
§ 8 The right referred to in § 1 of this article may also be exercised before consumer protection bodies.

To clarify any doubts or for more information, please feel free to contact our Data Protection Officer via e-mail: .

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