As a nonprofit association, our budget covers daily school expenses such as salaries and benefits, food, maintenance, school supplies and materials, and all expenses required for the school to operate with quality. Tuition and school fees alone are not enough to finance the Master Plan. That is why we need to fundraise. Fundraising is a way to generate an alternative source of revenue that will enable a major change in our structure and also enhance academic and learning processes. A common question arises: how much money will make a difference? Any amount can have an impact and this additional resource will accelerate our path to the future.

Similar to top schools around the world, we created the EABH Future Program to attract additional financial resources and investments through community participation at all levels. To better support our ever evolving and growing school, EABH has developed a Master Plan to further sustain its teaching and learning philosophy and ensure the best learning environment for many years to come. The EABH Future Program will support the expansion, renovation, and enhancement of our campus and infrastructure through the EABH Annual Fund and the EABH Future Campaign. The EABH Future Program is one of the ways you can support our school and make a difference for generations to come!

The EABH Annual Fund is a fundraising effort that enhances learning at EABH through short-term projects. These projects are defined annually, and the funds raised will be applied during that same year or shortly thereafter. We hope you will join us in meeting our goals and improving our learning experience!

The EABH Future Campaign is an ongoing fundraising effort to support EABH’s vision and long-term projects. Funds will be directed towards the development of the EABH Master Plan that consists of expanding and improving our school’s infrastructure.

By participating in the EABH Future Program, you will continue a legacy of philanthropy and educational excellence that makes EABH such a unique school. Community participation in our Giving Program builds credibility and makes a strong statement to those considering investing in our school. You may contribute with any amount of your choice and your participation makes a difference. We hope to be able to count on everyone’s support to make EABH an even better school and community.

Gifts of any amount can be directed towards the fund of your choice, or both, and will be acknowledged according to the EABH Gift Recognition Policy. Gifts can be made from July to June of each year and can be made in one amount or in multiple installments. Gifts equal to or above R$50,000 can be made in one amount, or over a 3 year period. We accept credit cards, checks, and bank transfers. For more information, please  contact eabhfuture@eabh.com.br, or 3319-8300.

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