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COVID Campaign

The COVID-19 Community Support Campaign will support neighboring communities whose vulnerabilities have been aggravated due to the pandemic. EABH has collected donations that were directed to support families and early childhood public schools in our region: EMEI Cinquentenário, EMEI Vila Leonina, EMEI Palmeiras, Projeto Bom na Bola, Bom na Vida, and ABB – Associação do Bairro Buritis.

This campaign is part of our Global Citizenship Pillar, which invites us to be aware of the different realities that make up our social world and understand our role in contributing to creating a better future for all.

Our school-wide campaign was a huge success and we would like to thank all the families and staff who have contributed with donations!


Please find below a summary of all the materials collected:

  • 65 cestas básicas
  • 212 kg and 45 individual non-perishable food items
  • 247 PFF2 or N95 masks for teachers
  • 57 face masks for adults
  • 357 face masks for students
  • 10 cleaning kits and 31 items
  • 226 individual personal hygiene items


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