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MINAS MUN – EABH hosted an important MUN (Model United Nations) event called MINAS MUN I

We received 70 participants, including students from @csa.colegiosantoantonio , and @colegioloyolabh .

During the Opening Ceremony, we had the privilege to have, as our guest speaker, Dr. Dawisson Belém Lopes @dbelemlopes , who is a Professor of International and Comparative Politics at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG). He has given lectures at the invitation of 7 national governments and the UN and published his articles in 30 different countries.

At the conference, delegates gained insight into the workings of United Nations by assuming the roles of international decision makers. We had four different committees, where participants were able to develop several skills, including public speaking, negotiation, teamwork, leadership, and policy crafting.

This event reinforces our commitment to empower our students to be compassionate agents for a better world and position our school as a hub of education excellence!

#eabh #mun #minasmun #internationaleducation

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